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This is my personal experience but I'm sure it will apply to the majority of users. I regularly get "Are you the author?" emails but as there are more than 1000 matches, it's not practical for me to go through and inform that none of them are my references. My academic name is James F. R. Masters and I use this specifically to distinguish me from other authors with firstname James and surname Masters. Unfortunately, matches me against anyone with firstname James and surname Masters, rendering the matching algorithm worse than useless (as it wastes my time and produces only spurious statistics and notifications).
There is an obvious and easy improvement that can be made here - allow the users to choose what strings to match against. If I could simply configure the matching algorithm to only match against 'James F. R. Masters' or 'Masters, James F. R.' or 'Masters, J. F. R', say, then everything would work as intended and I would be able to get an actual valid and useful result as to how many citations I have.
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